If you’re a parent who is at their wits’ end trying to get your baby to sleep through the night, you’re not alone. And as a mom who has been there, I understand just how tiring and frustrating this can be.
So let’s discuss at what age baby should start sleeping through the night, the many factors that influence your little one’s overnight habits, and what role having a well-fed baby plays with sleeping through the night.
At what age should your baby sleep through the night?
There’s a wide range in terms of when little ones are ready to sleep through the night with no feedings. It’s very normal for babies under a year old to wake up overnight, so consider the following as guidelines, rather than hard and fast rules.
Overnight waking is common in the first 3 months, and still quite common in the first 6-9 months. Those babies who have developed independent sleep skills are more likely to start sleeping entirely throughout the night without a feeding by the 9-12 month range (even earlier, in many cases).
A baby who was born prematurely may continue to eat overnight for longer; always follow your Doctor’s advice, based on your baby’s unique weight gain and health status.
Craving some step-by-step, personalized help with teaching your toddler to fall asleep on their own, and sleep through the night? I’ve got you covered! Take a look at our packages here to see how we can help.