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Baby Sleep Love

Sleep Better. More. Now.

Certified Sleep Consultants providing high-touch support for 0-6+ years

Using evidence-based methods and mental health support

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Your mental health and well-being is essential, especially when improving your little one's sleep.

    Hey there, I’m Rosalee Lahaie Hera, your Certified Sleep Consultant, specializing in little ones aged 0-6+, Founder of Baby Sleep Love (you can learn more about me and team here), and Co-author of It’s Time to Sleep. If you’re looking for an increase in (or return to) calm and confidence around bedtime and sleep now that you’ve got littles all around, you came to the right place. 

    At Baby Sleep Love we use a whole lot of empathy and compassion with a gentle, caring touch, and dash of analytics to get you an evidence-based sleep solution that works for your entire family.

    If this aligns with your needs, click the button below to explore how we can assist you right away. We offer Certified Sleep Consultant services, evidence-based sleep solutions, customized sleep plans, compassionate sleep coaching, (insured) mental health support and personalized family sleep solutions to help you and your little ones enjoy more restful nights.