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Managing Baby when Sick and Teething
Managing Baby when Sick and Teething

How to Manage Sleep When Your Baby is Sick or Teething

Dealing with sleep issues in babies can be challenging, especially when your little one is sick or teething. Many parents assume that teething is the primary cause of sleep disruptions, but this is often not the case. Understanding the true causes of sleep problems and knowing how to address them can make a significant difference in your baby’s sleep patterns and overall well-being. In this post, we’ll explore the realities of teething and provide tips on how to manage sleep when your baby is sick.

Teething and Sleep: Separating Myths from Facts

First, you might be surprised that teething is uncommonly the cause of sleep disruption. If your little one isn’t sleeping well, it’s unlikely to be due to teething. It’s much more likely to be a sleep issue, not a teething issue.

So, if you’re feeling ready to improve your little one’s sleep but have been putting it off because “they’re teething,” you might be waiting a very long time. Babies will be teething, on and off, for the better part of two years. Teething causes minor discomfort and only for a few days at a time (not weeks on end). Why not help your little one get the sleep they need so they can feel rested and ready to tackle their little worlds?

Teething Facts: What Every Parent Should Know

  1. Teething does not cause fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive irritability in babies and toddlers.** If your little one is experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s time for a call or trip to their Doctor.
  2. The safest, most effective way to deal with teething is to offer a cold teething ring to chew on.** There are a few products on the market that claim to help with teething but are unsafe and likely ineffective (like amber teething necklaces).
  3. When a little one has solid independent sleep skills, they will generally sleep well through things like teething and illness.** Many parents are happily surprised that their little ones’ overall mood improves after learning these skills. Those cranky, teething little monsters turn into happy, confident sleepers – simply because they’re now getting the sleep they need!

Managing Sleep When Your Baby is Sick

If your babe is feverish or vomiting, has diarrhea, is lethargic or seems generally unwell to you, get them seen by a Doctor. You may wish to pause regular sleep routines and provide more support.

If you think they’ve got a minor cold virus and nothing else is going on, you may wish to continue with your regular sleep routines.

Here are a few tips for handling common illnesses with minimal sleep disruption:

Colds and Congestion

  • Use a **cool-mist humidifier** cranked up high in the room.
  • During the day, run the shower really hot and hold babe inside the bathroom for a couple of minutes (not too long).
  • Use **saline and “snot suckers”** (e.g., Nose Frida, HydraSense) especially before bed.
  • Provide **adequate fluids** throughout the day and especially right before bed.
  • Use medication if needed and according to their physician’s instructions/package directions, particularly 30 minutes or so before bed.
  • Keep activities **low-key** and give lots of relaxing time.
  • Stroller walks** are nice during illness, but too much of this can be too stimulating. **Carrier walks** may be better.
  • If they need an on-the-go nap to fall asleep more easily right now, that’s completely okay!
  • You may want to **move bedtime a little earlier temporarily** to help encourage some more rest.

Remember, understanding the true causes of sleep disruptions and knowing how to manage them can help you and your little one get the rest you both need. By addressing sleep issues directly and providing comfort during teething and minor illnesses, you can promote better sleep habits and overall health for your child.

Baby sleep tips Teething and sleep disruption Managing baby sleep Baby sleep issues Infant sleep consultant Teething symptoms in babies Baby sleep training Improving baby sleep habits Baby sleep and illness Infant sleep solutions Toddler sleep tips Sleep consultant advice Baby teething relief Independent sleep skills Baby sleep support Newborn sleep guidance Baby sleep and teething Managing sleep during illness Baby sleep patterns Sleep tips for sick babies Teething myths and facts Healthy sleep for babies Baby sleep coaching Infant sleep techniques Sleep disruption in babies Infant sleep challenges Pediatric sleep advice Baby sleep consultation Best sleep practices for babies Teething and baby sleep tips

Have a baby around 4 months old that is suddenly not sleeping as well as they used to? It could be the 4-month sleep regression, which often hits parents hard.

Got a sleep situation that can’t be solved by the Baby Sleep Basics? Maybe it’s time to consider signing up for one of my Certified Sleep Consultant packages.

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