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Workshop: 4-3 Nap Transition for babies 4-6 months old


February 28th 2023, from 1:30-2:00 p.m. ET

You’re emerging from the fog of the newborn era and struggling to understand how many naps your kiddo actually needs. They seem to take an endless amount of naps, some of which put you into “nap jail”, and you’re hoping you can consolidate down to 3 naps per day so you’ve got a bit of freedom, flexibility and predictability. You may have tried to do this already, but your baby just isn’t pulling the long naps you need, or you’re left with an overtired baby by the time bedtime rolls around.

Let’s get specific about how to make this transition easy and seamless for you and your little one! We’ll talk about your baby’s signs of readiness for a 3-nap schedule (which typically occur somewhere between 4-6 months), steps for transitioning onto this schedule with ease, and any issues that might arise and how to troubleshoot those.


We’ll talk about your baby’s signs of readiness for a 3-nap schedule (which typically occur somewhere between 4-6 months), steps for transitioning onto this schedule with ease, and any issues that might arise and how to troubleshoot those.

**Please note that this workshop is still appropriate if your baby is currently on more than 4 naps per day, or is younger than 4 months old. If they are approaching or in the 4-6 month range, come join us!

This workshop is 30 minutes long. We’ve got lots to cover, so please join on time with something to take notes with (pen and paper, phone, etc.). You’ll have time to ask me questions, and you’ll receive a recording of the workshop afterward.