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Bumps in the Road


This download is intended for parents and caregivers with independent sleepers (both babies and toddlers), i.e. little ones who fall asleep without adult help or presence. It covers the major “bumps” you might experience with your child’s sleep and how to sustain their healthy sleep habits. This covers travel, illness, Daylight Saving Time beginning and ending, sleep regressions and more.

If your little one isn’t yet an independent sleeper with healthy sleep habits, you may wonder whether their sleep issues are caused by some of the roadblocks explained in this document. I highly recommend establishing independent sleep first, then seeing if any of these issues are still affecting your child’s sleep. Independent sleepers are far more likely to work through these issues easily and quickly.


This download is intended for parents and caregivers with independent sleepers (both babies and toddlers), i.e. little ones who fall asleep without adult help or presence. It covers the major “bumps” you might experience with your child’s sleep and how to sustain their healthy sleep habits. This covers travel, illness, Daylight Saving Time beginning and ending, sleep regressions and more.

If your little one isn’t yet an independent sleeper with healthy sleep habits, you may wonder whether their sleep issues are caused by some of the roadblocks explained in this document. I highly recommend establishing independent sleep first, then seeing if any of these issues are still affecting your child’s sleep. Independent sleepers are far more likely to work through these issues easily and quickly.