Get the everything-you-wish-you-knew instruction manual for babies and sleep for just $12!

Four Weeks to Better Sleep Program (4-24 Months)


Discover the Ultimate Sleep Solution

Are you in search of a sleep solution that you can do whenever you want, wherever you are? Does the idea of a more budget-friendly option that doesn’t compromise on effectiveness sound appealing? 

If endless nights of tossing and turning with your little one are starting to feel like an unending horror show, and bedtime has become a battleground with no victors in sight, we understand your exhaustion, and more importantly, we have the solution for you.

With the Four Weeks to Better Sleep program, prepare to embark on a life-changing voyage toward tranquil nights and more radiant days. Delve headfirst into the all-encompassing transformation of your child’s sleep that lies ahead:

  1. “Everything But” Materials: Embrace the most comprehensive 4-week PDF program filled with frameworks, worksheets, schedules, and checklists, alongside a library of evidence-based resources – everything you need to clearly and confidently improve your baby’s sleep.
  2. No-Fluff 5-Module Course: The program includes five no-fluff modules with research-backed and proven strategies that are gentle and effective. 
  3. Here’s A Sneak Peek into the Modules:
    1. Early Wins: Lay the foundation for success. Understand the importance of sleep, assess your and your baby’s readiness for sleep improvement, and explore the best approaches.
    2. Sleep Schedules: Create a flexible and predictable sleep schedule that makes sense for your family. Learn to differentiate between nighttime and daytime sleep.
    3. Independent Sleep: Teach your baby independent sleep skills. Choose from a menu of methods, create a personalized Sleep Plan, and start implementing it for early progress.
    4. Solidifying Progress: Keep the momentum going. Tackle sleep coaching challenges, early wakings, and nap coaching. Know when you’re done with nighttime sleep coaching.
    5. Bringing It All Together: Ensure you see real progress toward your family’s sleep goals. Manage ‘bumps in the road’, handle nap transitions, navigate sleep regressions, and prepare your toddler for a big kid bed.
  4. Bonuses: We thrive on surprises! Along with your participation in the Four Weeks to Better Sleep program, you’ll receive:
    • the “It’s Time to Sleep” Book by Rosalee Lahaie Hera and Dr. Dina Kulik;
    • access to any Virtual Workshop of your choice; and
    • our exclusive Potty Training Bundle.

Welcome the path to a rejuvenated experience with peaceful nights and brighter days. Leave behind the restlessness of nights and bedtime struggles, and greet well-rested family moments and serene evenings. You deserve it! Are you prepared to commence your journey to sleep transformation? Let’s initiate it today!

To ensure you have the ongoing assistance you need and maximize your learning, you have the option to purchase dedicated email support here to complement your course experience. Whether you’re seeking extra guidance, have specific questions, or want continued support beyond the program, this is an excellent opportunity to extend your learning journey.

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