Get the everything-you-wish-you-knew instruction manual for babies and sleep for just $12!

Better Sleep Bundle for Babies


It’s the everything-you-wish-you-knew instruction manual for babies and sleep.




Comprehensive Sleep Schedules Guides

You’ll get sample sleep schedules you can use to plan your baby’s ZZZZZZZZs, along with additional sleep information to help you tweak and troubleshoot until you’ve found the right schedule.

A Wake Windows Chart

You’ll have access to the coveted cheat-sheet that helps you determine how long your baby can stay awake between each period of sleep.

A Guide to Longer Naps

Because don’t we all need more of these in our lives?

Plus a Bonus Video!

And a 30-minute video of me, a Certified Pediatric & Newborn Sleep Consultant (and former sleep-deprived parent), walking you through the materials.