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The Independent Sleeper


Are endless nights of tossing and turning with your little one starting to feel like a never-ending horror show? Is bedtime a battleground where nobody emerges victorious? We feel your exhaustion, and we’ve got the solution!

With the Independent Sleeper Package, you’re embarking on a transformational journey towards serene nights and brighter days. Dive into the comprehensive sleep overhaul that awaits you:

1. Thorough Online Assessment: We start by diving deep into your little one’s sleep history and habits, understanding your family’s sleep goals, and getting to know your unique parenting philosophies. This personalized approach is the foundation for success.

2. Foundational Sleep Support Documents: Say goodbye to confusion. We provide you with detailed support documents that will answer almost every question you have about your child’s sleep. No more second-guessing – you’ll have all the knowledge you need at your fingertips.

3. 2 Hours of Private Consultation: Our initial one-on-one 45-minute video or phone consultation has us diving deep to offer you bespoke advice, crafted to match your family’s unique needs, comfort, and values. This is step one towards a harmonious, stress-free sleep experience. At the heart of our Independent Sleeper Package lies our 45-minute check-in call. Here, we fine-tune your sleep strategy to ensure it aligns perfectly with your goals. We’re here to ensure you’re on the right track and getting precisely what you need! Our final 30-minute wrap-up call leaves no detail unattended. As we wrap up, you’ll have all the tools, knowledge, and confidence needed for well-rested independent nights and brighter days ahead.

4. Unlimited Email Support: You won’t be in this alone. For 30 days, from Monday to Friday, you’ll have direct access to Rosalee. Expect detailed feedback on your child’s progress, answers to your queries, and even emergency support on weekends. We’re here for you every step of the way.

5. Exclusive Facebook Support Group: Join a tight-knit community of Baby Sleep Love graduates. Share experiences, seek advice, and find ongoing support in our private Facebook group. You’re part of a sleep-loving family. Access is granted at the end of your package.

6. Healthy Sleep Habits E-Book: This comprehensive e-book includes month-by-month sleep schedules, guides for nap transitions, handling sleep regressions, and expert tips for traveling and dealing with illness. It’s your go-to sleep resource. Delivered to you at the end of your package.

7. Bonuses: We thrive on surprises! Along with the Independent Sleeper Package, you’ll receive:

  • the “It’s Time to Sleep” Book by Rosalee Lahaie Hera and Dr. Dina Kulik;
  • access to any Virtual Workshop of your choice; and
  • our exclusive Potty Training Bundle.

More value, more sleep, more happiness! But wait, there’s more good news: this package qualifies for partial coverage under your health spending account for Ontario residents!

As a part of your onboarding process, we will ask you to download BabyConnect—an app that facilitates the tracking of babies’ sleep–and add us caregivers so that we can track very specific sleep data points during our time together. Please be aware that there is a nominal fee associated with using this app, already pre-reimbursed as part of your total package cost.

It’s time to bid farewell to those restless nights and bedtime showdowns. Say hello to a well-rested family and tranquil evenings. You’ve earned it!

Ready to embark on your sleep transformation journey? Let’s kickstart it today!