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Sleep Routine and Independence – The Final Puzzle Pieces.

Armed with a perfectly sleep-conducive environment and an age-appropriate sleep schedule, next you will want to focus your toddler on their bedtime and sleep routine and independence in falling asleep.

Routine, routine, routine!

It’s no secret that children crave routine and consistency. Above all, they feel safer, more secure, less fearful, and anxious when they understand the pattern of “when this happens, then this happens”.

Baby Sleep Love

If your kiddos are regularly well-rested, then they’re more likely to regularly sleep well too. They will have found their sleep routine and independence!

Establishing pre-bedtime patterns that your child can easily recognize from night to night helps provide them with adequate wind-down time at the end of the day, which in turn helps them settle in for a full night’s rest.

Read the full article here.

Happy toddler sleeping, parents!



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Craving some step-by-step, personalized help with teaching your toddler to fall asleep on their own, and sleep through the night? I’ve got you covered! Take a look at how we can help with our packages here. I work with children up to 6 years old (it’s never too late!).