Get the everything-you-wish-you-knew instruction manual for babies and sleep for just $12!

You're Just days away from better sleep for your whole family

Whether you’re looking to establish early positive sleep habits with your newborn, (gently)teach your baby how to fall asleep on their own, end ‘nighttime nonsense’ with an older child, or get your little one to sleep in and take long, predictable naps, our personalized sleep support can help. 



Imagine putting your babe in their bed and saying ‘goodnight’ knowing they – and you – are in for a long, restful night.

It’s absolutely possible, and we can show you the way.

Our personalized sleep support packages (see below) are appropriate for all ages, stages and situations. Once we get to know your family and understand your sleep goals, we’ll create a completely customized, research-based plan to address your unique challenges.

We’ll use gentle techniques that are entirely tailored to your little one and your family, and you will have a direct line to us for guidance, troubleshooting, and pep talks as necessary.

You can learn more by clicking the buttons below.

Receive personalized sleep support until you've achieved your sleep goals

Finally get the rest your whole family needs

Learn proven techniques for better sleep habits

Help your little one sleep independently without making them "cry it out"

Personalized Coaching Packages

A happy, diverse toddler eating nutritious food, such as a colorful plate of fruits and vegetables

Sleep & Feeding Solutions for Fussy Little Ones

Are your toddler’s mealtime battles and restless nights leaving you utterly drained? Many parents don’t realize just how closely sleep and eating are connected. Poor sleep can make picky eating worse, and poor nutrition can keep everyone up at night. It’s a frustrating cycle that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and out of options.

See the table below for more information.

The Independent Sleeper

If you’ve got a couple of concrete sleep issues you want dealt with, and you’re ready to spring into action now, this is likely the right choice for you. Great for children who are already sleeping in their own sleep space!

See the table below for more information.

Toddler Sleep
Newborn Sleep

VIP Sleep Package

Perfect for newborns and children who are used to bed-sharing and/or nursing to sleep. It is also great for kiddos who have never slept in their own sleep space (or haven’t for a while). This is the right package for families looking for intensive support, all questions answered, full support for three months.

See the table below for more information.

Ultimate Sleep Concierge

Great for families looking for the ultimate level of highly intensive and responsive support, adjustments made every month through developmental milestones, new schedules and routines, as baby grows and develops. If you are looking for support through all the ups and downs, we’ve got your back with this package.

See the table below for more information.

Evidence-based sleep consulting

The Independent Sleeper

CA$ 1199
  • Online intake assessment
  • Foundational sleep support documents
  • 45-minute private video/phone consultation
  • 30 days of unlimited email support
  • 45-minute initial check-in phone call
  • Final 30-minute wrap-up call
  • My Healthy Sleep Habits e-book
  • Exclusive lifetime access to private Facebook support group
  • 30 days of additional e-mail support available at a discount ($399/month)


CA$ 2997
  • Online intake assessment
  • 45-minute video/phone follow-up intake assessment
  • Customized sleep plan
  • 90 days of unlimited email support
  • 45-minute initial check-in phone call
  • Monthly 30-minute check-in phone calls
  • Customized 'Bumps in the Road' plan
  • Exclusive lifetime access to private Facebook support group
  • My 100% satisfaction sleep guarantee
  • Three-installment payment plan
  • 30 days of additional e-mail support available at a discount ($399/month)


CA$ 4997
  • 10+ hours of additional phone calls
  • 9 *additional* months of email support for a full year's exclusive access
  • Potty Training Bundle
  • 1-hour potty training consultation
  • 30-minute check-in potty training call
  • You're golden! 12 months of continuous support is yours!

Sleep & Feeding Solutions

With Nutritionist Danielle Binns
$ 850 3 payments + HST

  • 40 Minute Nutrition Consult
  • 40 Minute Sleep Consult
  • 2x30 Min Nutrition Calls
  • 2x30 Min Sleep Calls
  • 3 Months of Nutrition Emails
  • 3 Months of Sleep Emails
  • Custom Mealtime Protocols
  • Foundational Sleep Resources
  • Food Journal Assessment

The Independent

$ 1599 +HST

qualifies for partial coverage under your Health Spending Accountc

  • Online Assessment
  • Foundational Documents
  • 30 Days Unlimited Emails
  • 2 Hours Phone Support
  • Healthy Sleep Habits E-Book

  • Lifetime FB Group Access
  • 3 Bonuses - $89 value:
  • "It's Time to Sleep" Book
    ($19 value)
  • Potty Training Bundle
    ($39 value)
  • 1 Virtual Workshop
    ($29 value)

VIP Sleep

$ 1199 3 payments + HST

qualifies for partial coverage under your health spending account and for partial coverage for counselling with an rsw

  • Phone Assessment
  • Customized Sleep Plan
  • 90 Days Unlimited Emails
  • 4 Hours Phone Support
  • Customized Bumps in the Road Plan
  • Lifetime FB Group Access
  • 8 Bonuses - $469 value:
  • "It's Time to Sleep" Book
    ($19 value)
  • Potty Training Bundle
    ($39 value)
  • 3 Virtual Workshops
    ($89 value)
  • 1 Mental Health
    Therapy Session
    ($149 value)
  • 2 Bonus Emails
    ($169 value)


Sleep Concierge

$ 4997 +HST

qualifies for partial coverage under your health spending account and for partial coverage for counselling with an rsw

  • Phone Assessment
  • Customized Sleep Plan
  • 12 Months Unlimited Emails
  • 14+ Hours Phone Support
  • Customized Bumps in the Road Plan
  • Lifetime FB Group Access
  • 21 Bonuses - $1199 value:
  • "It's Time to Sleep" Book
    ($19 value)
  • Potty Training Bundle
    ($39 value)
  • All Virtual Workshops
    ($239 value)
  • 2 Mental Health
    Therapy Sessions
    ($299 value)
  • Banked Bonus Emails & Calls
    ($499 value)
  • Potty Training Support
    ($199 value)

Feeling like none of those options quite hit the sweet spot? Searching for something a little different? 

If you’re counting your pennies right now, we get it, and encourage you to check out the The Independent Sleeper Mini package. If you’ve got insurance coverage in Ontario, you may be eligible for reimbursement from your provider as well. Depending on the sleep issues we’re dealing with, you can always add on additional packages if you need extended support.

Still unsure? Well, let’s talk! Click below to speak with us soon! You can check the FAQs in the footer as well.

The Independent Sleeper Mini

The Independent Sleeper Mini

With RSW | CSC
$ 199 4 payments + HST

qualifies for partial coverage for counselling with an RSW

weekly receipts provided
  • Online Assessment
  • Foundational Documents
  • 30 Days Unlimited Emails
  • 40 Minutes Phone Support
  • Healthy Sleep Habits E-Book

  • Lifetime FB Group Access
  • 2 Bonuses - $59 value:
  • "It's Time to Sleep" Book
    ($19 value)
  • Potty Training Bundle
    ($39 value)

Sarah Sinasac
22:07 22 Jan 25
Rosalee changed the game for us. When our little guy was 2.5 months old he started waking up every 20-60 mins, all night, and was very difficult to settle back to sleep. I was getting no sleep at all, and nothing I did seemed to work to help him. Rosalee stepped in with a comprehensive sleep plan, based on an understanding of infant sleep cycles, and taught us how to teach him to sleep independently. It was a lot of work for the first few weeks, but the payoff has been incredible. The process was gentle and supportive. I never felt like I was abandoning him or letting him ‘cry it out’. I truly felt like I was teaching him his first real skill – how to fall asleep. Now he is 7 months old and he’s been sleeping through the night for months. We have travelled across time zones, stayed in different places, and wherever we go he just falls asleep, and sleeps through the night. He has the skills he needs to settle into sleep, he is confident and secure, and bedtime is always stress free for all of us. I can’t thank Rosalee enough. As a physician I was only able to take 7 months of maternity leave, and going back to work having had full nights sleep for a few months now has made the transition a little easier. This is the best money we have spent as parents to date.Update – I have now worked with Rosalee for all 3 of my babies, and I still can’t say enough how helpful her wonderful support and education on sleep has been for our family. My youngest has been sleeping through the night since she was 3 months old. What I want to share with others is that it is possible to make a big difference in how well your baby sleeps while still supporting and comforting them whenever they need it. All 3 of my kids are confident, secure little sleepers who love their beds. It is a real gift to be able to give them all the sleep they need as they grow and develop. Thanks again Rosalee.
Doris Ho
20:27 31 Jul 24
Worked with Nicole for a mini sleeper package. She answered our questions and concerns professionally and adjusted the sleep journey that fit both our baby and our family routine. We were able to achieve the sleep goals in the allotted time together and baby is now able to fall asleep in crib on own, settle/self soothe over night, and sleep longer stretches.
Shannon Novak
13:48 17 Jun 24
Best decision ever!! My daughter was sleeping though the night in a couple of weeks and we haven’t looked back !
Jessica Stanley
16:18 16 Apr 24
We’ve been fortunate to work with Rosalee for 3 months, and she has transformed sleep for us! She is professional, responsive, caring and extremely knowledgeable. For our son’s first 5 months, he was an exclusive contact napper. After the 4 month “regression,” which he hit early, there were multiple night wake-ups and early morning wakings. Needless to say, we weren’t getting much sleep and knew that co-sleeping wasn’t right for our family. But, I was also very nervous about “sleep training” or what I thought it could be.It wasn’t until a fellow mom recommended Rosalee that I realized there was more than one approach to independent sleeping. Rosalee recognized our need to gradually transition our son to the crib and created a phased approach that transitioned our son peacefully. Now, our son is taking long naps in his crib and sleeping overnight. We’re so grateful!
Sarah Gomes
13:31 26 Mar 24
I started working with Christina and Rosalee when my daughter was 7 months old. Throughout my month with Christina, she was very responsive, respectful and sensitive to my parenting style. My daughter is now 10 months old and is a great sleeper! Thank you so much for all your support Christina and Rosalee!
Meagan Hennekam
14:55 15 Mar 24
We are SO grateful to have found Baby Sleep Love. We worked with Courtlynne and could not have had a better experience. Our little one’s sleep is so much better, he is napping well too. Courtlynne talked to us everyday to make tweaks, listened to our concerns, made the program personalized to us/our toddler and adjusted whenever we needed to.My only regret is not finding them sooner. When we reached out it took about a month to get started, so I wouldn’t wait until you are at a crisis point with sleep.
19:16 20 Feb 24
We consulted Rosalee for 30 days to help us get some sleep and for our baby to learn to sleep as he started to go through his 4 month maturation. He went from needing hours to fall asleep and multiple wakings to falling asleep by himself in 5 minutes and sleeping through the night! We highly recommend her expertise!
Kathryn Hume
13:55 07 Feb 24
Rosalee is an expert at helping children learn to sleep. She has deep knowledge of baby and child sleep needs, and applies a data-driven approach to helping families achieve their sleep goals. She also adapts her advice to meet the family’s comfort with crying and the emotions that go into helping children learn to sleep. After working with her, I now have a little one who consistently sleeps through the night! Highly recommended!
Candice Violin
17:07 20 Jan 24
We were struggling with our 3 year olds overnight sleep for months. We were exhausted and something needed to change. We met with Rosalee and worked with her for a month. Rosalee was honest, focused and dedicated to our goals. When we didn’t feel comfortable with something, she was supportive and flexible. After a month we were all getting more sleep than we had in months. Sleep is so important and Rosalee was fantastic. Well worth the money and commitment.
Mika Markowski
19:53 22 Dec 23
My entire experience with Rosalee has been nothing short of amazing. My son was 2 months old; I was exhausted, scared and full of anxiety. Rosalee was very understanding and patiently walked me through the entire sleep process. I walk away with an abundance of sleep knowledge, along with a very happy and rested toddler. If you need a sign to get the help you need, this is it!
Jenn C. Bragger
00:04 02 Nov 23
After a few too many sleepless nights and early wake-ups with our 5 month old son, a friend suggested I reach out to Rosalee at Baby Sleep Love. We worked with Courtlynne who is a registered social worker and we were even able to use our work benefits towards her service. Right away I was impressed at the amount of resources and information provided to us in preparation for our phone consultation. Courtlynne worked with us to establish a plan to reach our goals with overnight techniques that truly worked. A month later and our little boy is independently putting himself to sleep, napping consistently through the day, down to one nighttime feed and sleeping in to our target wake up. Thank you Baby Sleep Love team!
Yeganeh Ghezavati
17:28 30 Sep 23
I had the pleasure of consulting with Rosalee for my baby’s sleep when she was around 3 months. She was truly amazing and helped my baby sleep through the night which was something we never thought possible. We loved working with her as she is always very responsive and all her techniques were practical. Also she would advised ways that would apply to our comfort level. We always are very thankful and happy that we consult with a professional like her.
Shar Banerjee
15:32 28 Sep 23
Game changer. Highly recommend to anyone looking for proper sleep for themselves and their kids. ANGEL!!!!!
We’ve had the pleasure of working with Rosalee towards improving our two kids independent sleep skills and could not be happier with our choice. She is thoughtful in her explanations, took our family’s specific situation into consideration when building sleep plans for us and was always extremely supportive and positive. We saw results within the first 2-3 weeks of working with her both times. She is a great resource to have in your corner in those early months of parenting. We can’t recommend her enough!
Kim Watkins
14:27 21 Sep 23
I completed the course 6 years ago and it helped me a great deal with my baby at that time and my 4 year old as well. Rosalee was very responsive and the Facebook group was useful as it reminded you that you are not alone in the craziness of trying to get your baby to get a good night sleep as well as yourself! Reach out to her if you need help, don’t suffer in silence, that is no help to yourself or your family.
Rachel Koffman
00:54 19 Aug 23
Working with Rosalee was the BEST decision. During the early weeks and months, many people told me to just “wait it out” and that there was nothing we could do about hourly nighttime wakes and exclusive contacting napping until our baby was 4-6 months and then we’d have to use methods we weren’t comfortable with. Rosalee changed our life with gentle sleep coaching and continuous guidance through challenging situations, including travel and illness. I now get to brag about how great of a sleeper we have!! We are all happier and better rested, what a great gift!
Sarah Bensimon
01:11 10 Aug 23
I’m so thankful that I worked with Rosalee to help support us with our newborn’s sleep. We started working with Rosalee when our baby was 6 weeks old and she is now 4 months old. Rosalee was so kind, understanding, knowledgeable and always available to answer questions and solve problems! She was always quick to answer emails and provide guidance for next steps. She provided methods both gentle and effective to help our baby sleep independently for both naps and overnight sleep! We were essentially able to skip sleep training and the 4 month regression! We can’t thank Rosalee enough and highly recommend future parents work with her for sleep support for their babies and toddlers!
Sabrina Jobanputra
17:29 28 Jul 23
My husband are I were initially not sure if we should hire a sleep consultant or not but are extremely happy that we decided to and move forward with Rosalee! It was one of the best decisions we have made! Rosalee is knowledgeable, understanding, and always reassured us that everything we were doing and that our baby was doing was normal and as expected. We started working with her when our son was three months old and because of his young age, we really appreciated her gentle approach to sleep coaching. She also always gave us options for less gentle approaches that would lead to quicker results, but only if we were comfortable. She also always answered any questions we had and made us feel comfortable as new parents. Or son is now almost seven months old and is consistently falling asleep independently at bedtime and for most of his naps (only contact napping before), he’s learning how to connect sleep cycles, and is able to nap and sleep overnight in other places like grandparents homes. We have to remember that babies are human robots so of course there are things that we are still working on, but Rosalee has given us the tools, confidence, and knowledge to be able to do so on our own. We highly recommend this investment!
Rosalind Copp
13:42 22 Feb 23
We worked with Rosalee in December 2022/January 2023 to sleep train our 10 week old. We wanted to get ahead of the dreaded 4 month sleep “regression” we’d heard about from other parents. Our experience with Rosalee was fantastic and I cannot say enough positive things about the outcome. Our little guy is now 4 months and is an amazing sleeper and has been ever since we began working with Rosalee (he was pretty good from the get go but we wanted to keep a good thing going!). Her methods were gentle and effective. We managed through the dreaded 4 month regression with no issues and very little crying. The result of working with Rosalee (besides sleep), is that we’ve been able to love the newborn stage with our son. We were given the tools we needed to create an adaptable sleep schedule that doesn’t hinder our lives. I would recommend Rosalee to any parent, especially those with a newborn baby. She really knows her stuff!
danielle sefton
20:58 14 Feb 23
My husband and I highly recommend Rosalee. Before hiring her, our baby was waking up every two hours, all night, every night for nine months. We were completely exhausted and sleep deprived, and given that we didn’t want to use the cry it out method, thought we were stuck. Luckily someone we knew introduced us to Rosalee. We were skeptical due to the fact that our sleep situation was so bad, but Rosalee was amazing at guiding us through every step, making sure we were always comfortable with the approach, and now we have a one year old who is an absolutely incredible sleeper at night and for naps. Thank you Rosalee!
Sarah Adams
20:07 07 Feb 23
Working with Rosalee has been such a game-changer for our family. We have a 4-month-old daughter who is already consistently sleeping through the night! Because of Rosalee’s help, I have not felt sleep deprived throughout these early months with our new baby and, as a result, my quality of life has been so much better. I would recommend Rosalee without hesitation to any parent.Dr. Sarah AdamsB.C., Canada
Gaëlle Cuong
16:13 21 Jan 23
Prior to hiring Rosalee, I had very little to no sleep, and was constantly exhausted. My baby would wake every hour of the night, and would fight naps unless he was being held only by me. One morning, I woke up crying and decided to reach out for help. And I must say, I am so glad I did.Rosalee truly changed our life and mypersonal experience of motherhood. With her ongoing feedback and support, not only did I finally get the rest I needed but so did my baby boy. We cannot be more than happy with our gentle and loving sleep training experience. To all the mamas and the babies out there who are struggling with sleep deprivation, I hope you find Rosalee like I did and begin your own sleep journey. You won’t regret it, and your little one will thank you for it 🧡
Alexa Gray
17:10 07 Jan 23
After seeing Rosalee work her magic with both of my (very different) nephews, I knew when it came time to welcome my own son, I wanted to work with her. With a very short maternity leave and starting a new job after, the stakes were high to establish good sleep habits quickly so I would be able to function & thrive in my new position.Rosalee did not disappoint! Her daily guidance and support were crucial to helping us instill good sleep habits with our baby. She was always encouraging and calm, full of great advice and achievable goals that we worked towards. Although it takes commitment from the parents side to see results, her method is gentle and loving and we saw consistent results quickly!Sleep is so essential, for all of us. My son now sleeps like a champion and I know when I put him down at night he will sleep until the morning and wake up happy!I cannot thank Rosalee enough for giving us the gift of sleep and I recommend her without hesitation to any any family. I know we will be using her services again when we have another!
Dawn Imada Chan
16:28 20 Dec 22
Long overdue post as Rosalee has worked with both of my children. I found her months in when my first wouldn’t sleep. She was a miracle worker and able to personalize her approach based on the needs of our child. They have been sleeping through the night ever since! She is supportive, an excellent listener and knows her stuff. When we knew our second was coming we saved the money to work with her from the start. She is worth the investment, you won’t regret it and you can enjoy your sleep filled nights ahead!
Nandy Sarwan
18:56 30 Nov 22
Rosalee’s methods work! I was very nervous having only started sleep training my daughter at 13 months but after a few nights she was finally sleeping on her own, in her crib and all night! We then got to working on naps and by two weeks she was napping independently too. This amazed me considering I struggled getting her in a routine or sleeping alone her whole first year. She gave me the tips and resources I needed to successfully maintain good sleep habits and despite veering off course while on vacation I was confident enough in the technique that I was able to get us back on track relatively quickly since returning home. I can’t thank Rosalee enough for her expertise, guidance and patience. I would recommend Rosalee’s program to anyone struggling with getting their little one sleeping routinely. Our little one is so much happier and playful now too.
Arpita Desai
02:54 04 Jun 22
We worked with Rosalee to sleep train our 8 month old. I did not want to sleep train again after one failed attempt and I also found it very difficult to hear my baby cry. However at 8 months, I was at my breaking point from being on 24/7 (contact napping, false starts and multiple wake ups despite me feeding to sleep and even co-sleeping). My baby was also not always getting consistent daytime sleep. We had no schedule and felt trapped at home. I decided to reach out to Rosalee to help us improve our baby’s and our sleep, so I can be a better mother for my baby. Before working with Rosalee, I had also reached out to couple of other sleep consultants.I am SO glad we decided to go with Rosalee. Rosalee does not use a cookie cutter approach for all babies. She was kind, empathetic and provided a plan with options based on our needs and comfort level! During our time together, Rosalee was always promptly responsive and supportive of any changes we wanted to make along the way. Within a month, our little guy was sleeping in his crib for naps AND bedtime at CONSISTENT times. It has truly been life changing for us!! Our baby is also much happier now that he is getting sleep evenly divided throughout the day. Rosalee has also equipped us with knowledge and resources to help ensure our baby’s sleep remains consistent as he grows. I am super thankful for her guidance!
Nadine Lozito
00:41 25 May 22
Working with Rosalee was one of the best decisions and investments we’ve made. With her expert sleep knowledge and detailed guidance, Rosalee helped us with our daughter’s sleep when we hit rock bottom. We went from a 2.5-month-old who needed to contact sleep and refused to sleep in her bassinet/crib (causing us tremendous sleep deprivation and anxiety) to a baby who sleeps independently and through the night for 12+ hours. By starting sleep training with Rosalee at such an early age, we now have a baby who loves her naps and bedtime and so far, we’ve entirely avoided sleep disruptions due to the dreaded “4-month regression”, vaccinations and teething. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine we could ever have such a rockstar sleeper, but Rosalee helped us achieve this and saved our family! We highly recommend Rosalee and cannot thank her enough!!

Still unsure? Well, let’s talk! Click below to speak with us soon!

After Your Purchase

Once your personalized sleep support package has been purchased, you will be sent a kick-off e-mail with everything you need to get started, including a link into our calendar. PLEASE NOTE that there may be a 2-4 week wait list, on average. We ask you to carefully read the cancellation policy before proceeding.

Put them in their bed, say "goodnight"...
and claim your nights back!

Here’s what other parents had to say:

” Rosalee saved our lives. I don’t think that is saying enough. She is supportive, reassuring and informative. We went from rocking our baby to sleep every night for hours upon hours to him sleeping through the night and sleeping for naps during the day. She is worth every penny and more! I have recommended her to friends and would recommend her to anyone. – Will, Toronto

” We are so fortunate to have Rosalee in our lives! When we started working with Rosalee, I would spend an hour rocking or feeding Zoe to sleep, only to have her wake 15 minutes later. I dreaded nap time and bedtime was a struggle. With Rosalee’s guidance, Zoe learned how to fall asleep independently. Her naps are a breeze now and she sleeps like a dream through the night.

Rosalee’s techniques are gentle and effective. She focuses on safe sleep practices, without urging you to buy any products. In our eyes, her services are far superior to any sleep aide or gimmick on the market.

With Rosalee’s help, we have a well-rested, alert and playful baby, and we as parents couldn’t be more proud of our baby’s independent sleep skills. – Susie, Toronto

Frequently Asked Questions

My baby is less than four months old. Can I still work with you? What are my options?

Yes! We can absolutely work together to create a sleep plan and strategy for your newborn. Rosalee is Newborn Sleep Certified. I don’t do any kind of traditional sleep training with babies younger than four months old. With brand new babies, I focus on gently and gradually helping them sleep longer and more often – and setting you up for success once the “4 month sleep regression” takes place. If you establish these habits early on, there is no need to sleep train down the road.

Will you tell me to make my baby “cry it out”?

Absolutely not. Cry-it-out is NOT the only way. All of our methods are gentle, and take into account your parenting preferences and philosophies.

What if I don’t mind keeping overnight feeds, but just want my baby to be more of an independent sleeper?

No problem! You can still greatly improve overnight sleep, without dropping feeds if you don’t want to or your baby still needs them.

I’ve researched the entire Internet, talked to all of my friends, and even had success with my last baby – in other words, I’ve tried everything – and my baby still doesn’t sleep through the night. Aren’t you just going to tell me to do the same things I’ve already tried?

Some of our techniques might be similar to what you’ve tried before. But we often see parents trying way too many things at once. All the information in your customized sleep plan, taken together and applied consistently, will be the difference you’ve been looking for. We also know what to look for in your little one’s response to the techniques in the plan, and can tweak accordingly. 

Why would someone need 90 days of support? Does that mean sleep training is going to take that long?

Great question. A straightforward sleep plan will not take 90 days to implement! For many families, 30 days is more than enough. The reason we offer 90 days of support through our VIP package is because some families feel better knowing they have access to extra support over a longer period of time, and others are dealing with multiple issues. The longer period of time allows us to deal with them together, one-at-a-time, without any kind of rush or pressure.

What’s your sleep guarantee all about?

We’re so sure my approach will work for you that we’re willing to guarantee it. The VIP and Ultimate packages come with a ‘Sleep Guarantee’ which means you have Rosalee’s help until you reach your family’s sleep goals. So there’s really nothing to lose, and a whole lot of quality sleep to gain.

Certified Sleep Consultant. Personalized Sleep Support.