Get the everything-you-wish-you-knew instruction manual for babies and sleep for just $12!

Four Weeks to Better Sleep

Get your Zzzs back on your terms

Exhausted parents, we've got your back!
Your gateway to quality Zzzs and more starts right here.

Tired of playing the “who’s more sleep-deprived” game with your baby?

Craving the sweet serenity of an uninterrupted night’s sleep, both for you and your little one?

Look, we get it! Parenting isn’t always rainbows and butterflies; it’s more like endless diapers and baby food explosions! The adventure of nurturing a tiny human can be a real magical mystery tour. But we know that sometimes, you might be left feeling like you’ve been through a sleep-deprived spell, leaving you wishing for…

Quality time with your partner or family

Physical and emotional connection

“Me Time” that never arrives

Ability to work productively

Date night wearing something “nice”

No more eye-rolls from other “better” parents

No longer feeling like a failure

Peaceful nights and mornings

Fear not – we’ve got your back.  

Ready to regain your sanity, rekindle the romance, and get back those precious Zzzs? Say sayonara to sleepless nights and bonjour to brighter mornings.

Are you up for this epic journey?

When you work with Baby Sleep Love, you're getting:

  • Expert Guidance. We’ve got a killer proven track record with extensive knowledge in the field, having served 1,000s of families.


  • Customized Plans. Create a personalized sleep plan that suits your family’s lifestyle, values, and parenting preferences.


  • Proven Methodology. Benefit from a structured program combining science-backed methods and practical experience.
  • Improved Sleep Quality. Experience more restful nights and energized days as your baby develops better sleep habits. 
  • Enhanced Parenting Skills. Develop an understanding of your child’s sleep needs and learn to promote healthy sleep. 
  • Reduced Stress and Frustration. Alleviate the stress that can come with sleepless nights, leading to a happier household.
  • Long-Term Results. Gain the knowledge and tools to promote your baby’s healthy sleep into the future.


“We cannot thank Rosalee enough for her guidance and help on our family's sleep journey! We participated in the 4 Weeks to Better Sleep program and the course title could not be more true! Immediately, we saw continual improvement in our baby’s sleep (age 2.5 months). Our little family is so grateful for this course and that we had the pleasure of joining it. We’re enjoying all the sleep and are also eagerly telling all our friends and family about it (any time we’re awake that is haha). We highly recommend learning about sleep science from Baby Sleep Love. Don’t hesitate – better sleep is possible!”

Introducing the Four Weeks to Better Sleep DIY program

This is the game-changing high-impact yet gentle-approach program that helps babies sleep independently (so their exhausted parents can sleep too) where you’ll unlock all the baby-whispering mysteries you need to set your baby and family up for continued sleep success!

Full of actionable and easy-to-implement methods and troubleshooting guides, this is the research-backed and proven method you need. 

No guesswork, no rigid schedules, no traumatic methods, just research-backed and proven strategies that are gentle and effective. 

You ask "What do you get and how does it work?"


“Everything But” Materials

Embrace the most comprehensive 4-week PDF program filled with frameworks, worksheets, schedules, and checklists, alongside a library of evidence-based resources – everything you need to clearly and confidently improve your baby’s sleep.

Be sure to select the appropriate cohort based on the age of your little one (either 0-3 months or 4-24 months) as your digital products are tailored to each of these groups.


No-Fluff 5-Module Course

The program includes five no-fluff modules with research-backed and proven strategies that are gentle and effective. You can go through them weekly or all at once – you choose the pace that works for you!


Who Doesn’t Love a Bonus

We thrive on surprises! Along with your purchase of the Four Weeks to Better Sleep program, you’ll receive:

  • the “It’s Time to Sleep” Book by Rosalee Lahaie Hera and Dr. Dina Kulik;
  • access to any Virtual Workshop of your choice; and
  • our exclusive Potty Training Bundle.


When Do We Start? 

Whenever you’re ready, we’ve got the materials ready to download! Pick the age window appropriate for your kiddo below to get started!

“The best money I ever spent was taking Rosalee’s course “Four Weeks to Better Sleep”. Our 3 month old was waking up every 1.5 hours overnight before we started the course. She is now able to put herself to sleep at night and wake up only for feedings!”
Sleep Coach Baby

Here's your "sneak peek" into the training modules

Early Wins & Fundamentals

Lay the foundation for success. Understand the importance of sleep, assess your and your baby’s readiness for sleep improvement, and explore the best approaches.

Sleep Schedules

Create a flexible and predictable sleep schedule that makes sense for your family. Learn to differentiate between nighttime and daytime sleep.

Independent Sleep

Teach your baby independent sleep skills. Choose from a menu of methods, create a personalized Sleep Plan, and start implementing it for early progress.

Solidifying Progress

Keep the momentum going. Tackle sleep coaching challenges, early wakings, and napping independently. 

Bringing it all Together

Ensure you see real progress toward your family’s sleep goals. Manage ‘bumps in the road’, handle nap transitions, navigate sleep regressions, and prepare your toddler for a big kid bed.

"We did Baby Sleep Love's 4 week online course and I'm so glad we did. I wasn't sure when I signed up how helpful it would be, but we basically went from cosleeping, waking up every 2 hours, and nursing to sleep to having our baby sleep independently in her own room in her crib. She now sleeps 10-12 hours overnight! I would highly recommend the course as a cost effective way of working with a sleep consultant. The modules were clear and helpful. I had tried different books and stuff I read online, but found I wasn't really committed to training yet. With this course, the cost I was paying made me accountable and committed! Highly recommend!"

Got a question? Let's see if we've answered it below:

If I’ve got a baby younger than 4 months old, why should I do this now?

Avoiding future sleep issues (or gently correcting existing issues) is crucial during this stage of baby’s life.

This is NOT sleep training – it’s about setting you and your baby up for age and stage-appropriate success. Putting foundational sleep techniques into action now will give you the confidence you need to understand and implement effective sleep strategies for each progressive stage.

Can’t I learn this all from a book or online?

Books and online resources can be helpful, but understanding how their contents apply to your baby is the best way to ensure continued success. 

Babies are living, breathing beings – a personalized plan is the way to go. Priority number one of this program is having a step-by-step roadmap that gives you an individualized sleep plan for your unique baby.

There are so many methods out there. How is this any different?

What works best for you and baby can be overwhelming to figure out alone. Many methods fail because they’re too rigid, forcing parents and babies into schedules that don’t account for life’s twists and turns.

Some programs give you a roadmap but leave you hanging when you hit bumps in the road or need individual support, and some programs promise the parents good sleep, but ignore safety and put babies at risk. Our gentle-approach (no cry it out (CIO) here!) provides a lot of information to craft an individualized plan – and a backup plan – to get you through.

What if I don’t mind keeping overnight feedings, but just want my baby to be more of an independent sleeper?

No problem! Most babies still need to eat overnight. We will be prioritizing your baby’s need for overnight calories, while still encouraging independent sleep and easy bedtime/overnight settling. You will likely find that some feedings drop naturally throughout this program, but this will be achieved in a very gentle way.

Is four weeks too fast to get results? Too slow?

Teaching your baby to be an independent sleeper needs to be based on realistic and achievable goals. 

There are things you can do right away to get quick wins and those longer stretches of sleep, but it’s important to always consider age and stage-appropriate milestones. You want strategies that span all ages and stages to ensure you raise an independent sleeper. By the end of the four weeks, you’ll have plenty of tools at your disposal, and be making great progress toward your individual goals.

What if I want even more specific guidance during the program?

If you do decide you need 1-1 access with Rosalee, we’ve got your back. You can add on weekly highly-responsive email support at any time.

1 week of email support is available at an additional CA $199 + applicable taxes.

"Great course. I highly recommend it to any new parents who are tackling sleep training. Rosalee is knowledgeable and incredibly diligent about tackling our specific problems. I took the 4 week course and was able to successfully get our 9 month son to sleep. Before the course, I was nursing him to sleep and he was waking 2 - 3 times / night; after the course he is putting himself to sleep (with 5 - 20 mins crying) and sleeping through the night! I'm really happy with the outcome."

One last thing...

Contrary to what a lot of parents think, having a baby who sleeps independently isn’t just the “luck of the draw”. Having a baby who sleeps well on their own is just as much about understanding sleep science, adopting individualized habits, and staying consistent as it is about having a natural-born “good sleeper”… There’s a lot you can do to help the process along.  

With Four Weeks To Better Sleep, you can finally stop struggling and start working towards better sleep for everyone in the family!

You've got this...

And we've got you!

Start today and get the sleep your family deserves