Get the everything-you-wish-you-knew instruction manual for babies and sleep for just $12!

Book Your 15 Minute Call Now!


Schedule your 15-minute consultation to find the ideal personalized baby sleep support package for your baby, toddler, or preschooler, or simply to acquaint yourself with our services. During this session, I’ll delve into your child’s sleep challenges, your sleep-related objectives, and the initial steps to achieve improved sleep. Upon registration, I will promptly reach out to assist you in scheduling your consultation call.

Now, if you’ve made it this far, it’s clear you’re eager for quality sleep solutions, and that’s exactly the kind of dedication I admire in my clients.

To kickstart our journey promptly, I’m excited to offer you some fantastic savings on our packages if you sign up within 24 hours of our call:

All you need to do is move forward within 24 hours of our 15-minute consultation.

If your commitment to better sleep matches your eagerness, let’s chat ASAP. Make sure both you and your partner (if you’ve got one) are on the same page before the call, and attend the consultation together to address any questions or concerns.

Should we decide to proceed within 24 hours of our call, I’m delighted to offer you this special discount. Let’s work together to improve your sleep journey right away!

Please note that a nominal $9 booking fee applies to this preliminary consultation, which will be credited toward your selected package upon registration. Regrettably, there are no refunds for consultations that do not progress to the next stage.