Get the everything-you-wish-you-knew instruction manual for babies and sleep for just $12!

“It’s Time to Sleep” Book


Are you an exhausted new mom or dad? Discover the secrets of sleep success through tips and tricks shared by pediatrician Dr. Dina Kulik and baby and child sleep expert Rosalee Lahaie Hera. They have helped thousands of families get more sleep and experience calmer, more joyful parenting.

Is lack of sleep causing you stress or overwhelm? Are you confused about how to encourage independent sleep or how to get your baby to sleep well at night? If so, it’s time for a crash course in baby sleep. Let this award-winning pediatrician and sleep expert team be your guide to the tricky and confusing parts of sleep for children. Dr. Dina and Rosalee use their own experiences as moms and child health and sleep experts to create an easy-to-follow playbook to allow you to succeed and thrive.

Broken down by age from newborns to toddlerhood, this book will get you through the fatigue with less stress while feeling confident and in control. Each section is presented in an entertaining style, with quips, tips, and easy-to-adopt strategies that will teach you critical elements to get the best sleep possible. You even receive downloadable handouts to demonstrate different sleep training strategies to ensure you are well equipped to handle any challenges you face.

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