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Workshop: 2-1 Nap Transition for toddlers 12+ months old



Whether you feel your toddler – or your toddler’s daycare – is leaving you with no other choice, dropping down to just one nap a day sounds glorious in theory but seems pretty tough in practice! Maybe your kiddo has been fighting the second nap or skipping it consistently. You dream of that beautifully long mid-day nap, and you and your little one deserve to get it!

Let’s get specific about how to make this transition easy and seamless for you and your little one! We’ll talk about your baby’s signs of readiness for a 1-nap schedule, steps for transitioning onto this schedule with ease, and any issues that might arise and how to troubleshoot those.


We’ll talk about your toddler’s signs of readiness for a 1-nap schedule, steps for transitioning onto this schedule with ease, and any issues that might arise and how to troubleshoot those.