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The Independent Sleeper (VIP)- Twins Installment Plan

$999.00 / month for 3 months and a $150.00 sign-up fee

In The Independent Sleeper (VIP) package, you’ll have the highest level of unlimited access to me for a full 90 days.

Here’s what you get with the Independent Sleeper (VIP) package:

  • A thorough, 45-minute phone/video assessment of your little one’s sleep history and habits, your family’s sleep goals, and parenting philosophies, based on an initial intake form.
  • A customized comprehensive sleep plan that is specifically tailored to your family and includes everything you need to know to achieve your sleep goals using clear, step-by-step language. This plan is very thorough and leaves no stone unturned.
  • A 1-hour phone/video call to walk you through your plan in detail.
  • Unlimited e-mail support from Monday-Friday for 90 days, with emergency support available on weekends – This includes frequent, detailed feedback on your little one’s progress. I’m also here whenever you need clarification, encounter a sticky situation, or simply need some extra support.
  • Initial 45-minute check-in call.
  • Monthly 30-minute check-in phone calls – We will touch base on a monthly basis to ensure you’re staying on track, and getting all of the support you need from me.
  • Exclusive, lifetime access to a private Facebook support group of fellow Baby Sleep Love graduates, for ongoing support and questions.
  • Customized “Bumps in the Road” Plan – that includes month-by-month sleep schedules, a guide for future nap transitions, sleep regressions, wake window tweaks, and advice for helping your child sleep through illness, when travelling – and anything else you’d like me to include!
  • My Sleep Guarantee – I’m so confident in my approach that I offer My Sleep Guarantee with the VIP package. You’re guaranteed to have my help until you achieve all of your sleep goals.